Tuesday, May 4, 2010

dishwashing as muse!

You know what I like about washing dishes? It is so mindless; it allows your mind to wander to elsewhere.

As I am washing my dishes today, it occurs to me that I actually enjoy this. (Though that does not prevent me from putting it off for several days at a time! Good thing I live alone!) I enjoy the soap. I like to use lots of soap! I really want the bubbles in there working for me to get those dishes clean!

Perhaps it is this loss of tactile sensation that causes me to not be a big fan of dishwashers. I do have one, though it is currently broken, but I don't really miss it! I didn't mind loading it. I kind of liked the idea of hiding the dirties! I really didn't like unloading it though - what is that about?

I think I like washing dishes because it is a connection to my mothers. The women who mothered me. Who dosen't have fond memories of standing on a kitchen chair, next to your momma with your hands in warm soapy water? Feeling secure, loved, gaining confidence in your ability to master a task, do a job well. I hope I passed this to my daughter, I think I did as she makes me very proud of the woman and mother she has become.

This is my granddaughter's first birthday. No doubt that is the spark for this reflection on mothering.
Washing dishes, ironing, gardening, whatever the chore; there is always beauty in the moment. Soon baby Havana, it will be your turn to stand by my side and learn to do the dishes. Oh, how I am looking forward to that! What fun we will have!

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