Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Having recently closed my business, ( a small retail store showcasing antiques, women's accessories, decor, gifts), I find myself in middle age with too much time on my hands, full of ideas and no money! This is actually a scary time for me, as it is for many people.

I however do not want a job. I do not want to go back to working for someone else. This much I am certain of. I am certain of very little else.

I have all these ideas about things running around in my head. I want to create. I want to produce. I want to be creative. There is a problem however. I have very little talent! I am an idea factory, but I have no talent for working with these hands to actually produce something. I do have the ideas and the design sensibilities, I just don't have the manual talent. I also don't have the money now to be able to hire someone else to produce my ideas. So I am in a bit of a bind in that regard.

So these days, I spend time playing with my infant granddaughter, and that is an absolute delight.

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